A MICE policy is not worth the paper it is written on unless you can continuously communicate effectively, create change behaviour, monitor individuals activity and gradually perfect compliance
MICE policy rules are rarely a one-size-fits-all. MiceMaster allows you to program different vendor and spend controls while policy and breach messaging align with HR policy
Behavioural change should be motivated; organising an event within the policy rules should be recognised. If an event brings back a 100% heath & safety Covid-19 rating, those that used MiceMaster should be rewarded.
Contact us to learn more, see a system demonstration or receive a quotation. One of our highly experienced staff will get back to you with all the information you need.
MiceMaster® is the only software designed to control compliance, manage procurement and consolidate MICE spend for large organisations while mitigating risk during the Covid-19 pandemic and improving the health & safety of all employees
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