The Corporate Online Booking Tool for Meetings & Events

MICE Cost-Containment Made Easy

The Key Corporate Issues

1. Vague quotes, missing & bundled costs

Formatted vendor quotes deliver transparency & the ability to compare quotes to identify best value

2. Bad briefs = additional costs

MiceMaster helps users quickly prepare detailed & accurate briefs delivering quote accuracy

3. Difficulty enforcing MICE policy

Automating policy allows planners to learn, adopt and comply with your MICE policy

4. Little or no access to data

All data & documentation centralised, easily accessible online, for effective travel management

5. No MICE procurement strategy

All data & documentation centralised, easily accessible online, for effective travel management

Who procures MICE in your business?

Secretaries, planners, marketing, managers, sales and any number of individuals. Implement MiceMaster to track, manage & report on all MICE spend in your organisation.

Find the spend to control the spend


System Fix

& System Fix


Policy not communicated or forgotten


Budget vs Actual cost variables


Tracking policy very difficult for managers


When to book directly or via PCO/TMC


Failure to negotiate


Late planning

Contact Us

Contact us to learn more, see a system demonstration or receive a quotation. One of our highly experienced staff will get back to you with all the information you need.